Hello L2 Gangstas,
This is your Goddess once again
Here are the rules for AIO buffers in the server.- 1 AIO buffer will be given to all Clan Leaders with a Clan level 5 or higher.
- AIO buffer MUST have the Clan Crest, so invite your AIO to your clan. (Clanless AIO will be JAILED)
- AIO buffer can ONLY travel within TOWNS.
Ivory Tower and Coliseum are NOT towns. (Any AIO outside of town will be BANNED)
- AIO buffer WILL NOT participate in any Sieges or PvPs battles. (Any AIO attacking or participating in this will be BANNED)
- AIO buffer WILL NOT grieve buff (Bad buff) other players. (Any AIO doing this will be JAILED)
- AIO buffer accounts WILL NOT be traded for items in-game or out of game. (Any Character caught will have AIO BANNED and Character BANNED)
- AIO buffer Dual Weapons (Venom Duals) WILL ALWAYS been on AIO buffer. (If AIO buffer is found without Venom Duals or a Character is found with Venom Duals will be BANNED)
Have Fun my lovers,